Michael & Ruth's blogging site

Michael & Ruth's blogging site
"Two Souls but a Single Thought....Two Hearts that Beat as One."

About Me

Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it. . . . What frustrates us and robs our lives of joy is this absence of meaning. . . . Does our being alive matter? Harold S. Kushner in "When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough

Friday, August 20, 2010

A True Relationship (my opinion) -Written By: Mike

I think today in American relationships are just a joke. People date around until they "find the right one" (or the one they settle for below par). Of course you have to give it your all in every relationship so you gotta have sex according to societies standards, you have to engage in all of the customary interactions if you are dating, pointless caressing, over the top clinging and of course stupid silly flirtatious personalities.

I think that if you just get busy with your life, focus on self improvement, don't distract yourself with pointless social interactions "oh let's go to a party and get wasted yeah that sounds awesome..." and just do what you are supposed to do you will find all of the right people in the right timing.

You shouldn't have to pursue people, or cater your personality to be silly etc. You will find the true friends when you find people working to the same goal, significant other included. Why waste your time going out of your way and stealing your time for pointless pursuits of a serious relationship. Just wait and you will find the right one and it will require no effort for you to be happy together.

“Realization” -Written By: Mike

Realization Vote Democrat. Vote Republican. Get a fancy car and a big house. Live the American dream. Get a boat. Strive to be rich. Drink beer. Do drugs. Sex sex sex and more sex.
Watch porn, it's adult entertainment. Vote. Your opinion matters. Get this new fancy cell phone that does more things that you could ever need. Go to movies. Have a lot of meaningless relationships. Get health insurance. Buy car insurance. Buy health insurance.
Go to Hawaii for vacation. You deserve a vacation. You just have to have these fancy clothes. Redo your kitchen. No, redo your whole house. Get money. No get more money. I need more money. I have to have more money. Watch your empty humor on comedy central. Listen to a pathetic excuse for music called rap. The more simple minded the better. Listen to Lady Gaga. Envy famous peoples lives. Get a hobby. Go to the tanning bed, no one likes people that aren't tan. Go to the super bowl. Have a favorite sports team. Watch the news on how corrupt the world is. Get angry when you don't get what you want. Argue over insignificant things.
Buy this wonderful makeup. You have to have this jewelry. You only have 10 pairs of shoes? You just have to have 10 more. You need this 100in flat screen TV. Don't pass up this million dollar car. Have a favorite team. Get a lake house. Get everything you can.
Americans...what is it with you people. You are so distracted and so blind to see the big picture. We are like sheep, dumb, that can only see in 1 direction. We are so blind trying to fulfill all of your simple desires. We are had. We are under the thumb of corruption and greed but we are too obsessed with that shiny toy or ring that we just have to have. We are blinded by politics, they are vile greedy pigs that run this country.
They do not care about you or me they just want the green paper to shove in their pockets, they want power and control. They want you to stay blinded by the stereotypical "American dream" so they can continue to have their way. Go to the super bowl. They love your silly motives blind you so we can have more money more power. They continue to portray this on the television , the media or any way they can. They want you distracted by life, they are leading you where ever they want you to go and we are too blind.

“A LETTER FOR YOU” -Written By:Ruth

Over the past few years I have kept a collection of letters that I have written to my future husband..Ones that I will give to him after our wedding..It’s been a great way for me to express myself when lonely..and my loneliness reaching it’s peak I decided to take my most recent one from the box and post it…It’s cheesy, it’s simple, but it’s me.
Another day without you here..It only gets more and more exciting..thinking of our future together..It’s almost here..but yet it’s still so far away..Every morning I wake up, look to my side, and think of you…and how you’ll fill that empty space someday..In a way it’s almost a joy to spend it alone..thinking of you…instead of with a “lover” of the moment…Just know I’ll be thinking of you..and the joy we’ll spend together…I can’t wait..to see your face..to tell you everything that’s on my mind..and show you how I’m here..for you…and only you. I’m savin’ everything I can..I pray you are too

This letter is dedicated to you..I hope you’re thinking of me
“I can’t see down the road..but it don’t matter..as long as I Got You”

The True Beauty -Ruth's

Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty.You should be known for the beauty that comes from within,the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,which is so precious to God.”

I Peter 3:3,4 (NLT)
… “beauty is not something that you put on.
… It is not something tight fitting. It is in the heart.”

RESPECT-the most important thing he has to have. -Written By:Ruth

RESPECT-the most important thing he has to have.... Reminder to all the Girls like me,

Girls, I cannot stress this enough: IF YOU AREN’T BEING TREATED RIGHT BY A GUY, DON’T WAIT FOR HIM TO CHANGE. AND FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL TREAT YOU WITH UTTER RESPECTSomeone who will honor your morals.Someone who will make you smile when you’re at your lowest.Someone who will stop what theyre doing just to look you in theeyes….and say “i love you” …….AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT.Give the nice guys a chance.:)

"Why Waiting Means Trusting Him"... Written By:Ruth

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...In all your ways acknowledge him and HE will direct your path...(Proverbs 3:6)

One of the hardest thing to do it to wait and be patient. Life is so complicated and all we want is to get the things we desire in an instant just like a "microwaving a popcorn in minutes". Patience. It’s a tough word to swallow. Christians everywhere jokingly warn each other, “Don’t pray for patience! You’ll get it!” And we’ve all heard the joke,” I prayed for patience but I’m just not getting it fast enough!” Funny or not, it’s true that we are all impatient by nature. I'm learning this more and more as i go through my journey in Life.

Honestly, there's just so many questions i've been asking and praying before God for a long time, that until now He doesn't even seem to care about it. I’d like to think that I'm a decently patient person. I get anxious about things, of course, but overall, I understand that "good things come to those who wait" and that usually, the end result is well worth the time spent. Why is patience so hard for us? Why do we want what we want, right when we want it? Why can’t we be content to sit back and trust the Lord’s timing over our own anxiety and urgency?

I believe it all goes back to control. Having patience means surrendering control of our lives to Jesus, the ultimate Timekeeper. It means saying “I’ll wait for You, Lord, because I trust You.” And that’s hard to do. It’s difficult not knowing what will happen. We live in a world that operates by plans, lists, details, and organization. How can we plan or make a list or organize if we don’t know what’s coming? If we don’t know what to expect?

It’s simple: we can’t. That’s where trust comes in. And you can’t have trust without first surrendering control.

Let go? Let Jesus truly take full control of my life? But what if His plans don’t match up with mine? What if He doesn’t want the same things for me that I’ve desired my entire life? How can I trust that? How can I know He won’t lead me astray?

Good questions. And I realized something recently while thinking about this dreaded little word "wait". A vivid image popped into my mind that I’d like to share with you.

Have you ever been blindfolded? Silly exercises on the surface, but deep down, they taught us how to build trust and become better teammates. The entire point was to learn to trust my teammate's voice and instructions. If he said "go right", I moved to the right. If he said “turn around”, I’d take baby steps or giant steps according to his commands. I did whatever it took to get through the obstacle without seeing. I literally had to blindly trust my partner, who saw the whole picture.It's a lot like that in our spiritual lives.

We, as Christians, are blindfolded. We can't see the entire picture. Our view is limited, and we're stumbling around, confused as to which direction we should go. And unfortunately, more often than not, we tend to ignore the voice of our Lord instructing us to safety. To success. To fulfillment.

How will we ever know where to go, or worse yet, where not to go, if we don't listen to Him? We'll never cross the finish line by stubbornly insisting we can manage on our own. God sees the entire path before us. He knows what's coming, what has been, what is, and still has a plan for each one of us. As Christians, we have to trust that. Whether that means waiting, walking, crawling, taking baby steps, running, etc.
Are you listening to the voice of our Savior today? I am. I'm going to keep waiting and keep trusting. And when I hear that still small voice instructing me to walk, I'll do so boldly and with confidence that I am on the right path.

It will be worth the wait.

(inspired to write, after reading devotional site crosswalk.com)Read more: http://www.myspace.com/446837639/blog#ixzz0xGC3iB1A

Waiting For God's Best...Ruth's

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively.But to His child, the Lord says: "No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled, and content with being loved by Me; with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me to have an intensely personal relationship with Me alone, discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found.Only then will you be capable of the most perfect relationship that I have planned for you.
"I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing… one that you cannot imagine (Proverbs 3:5-6).I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you.

"You just keep watching Me. Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening and learning the things that I tell you. Just waiting-that's all."Don't be anxious. Don't worry. Don't look around at all the things others have gotten or that I have given them. Don't look at all the things you think you want. Just keep looking up to Me."And then, when I know you are ready, I'll surprise you with a love far wonderful than any you would dream of.

You see, I'm working at this moment to have you both ready at the same time. Until you are satisfied exclusively with Me, and the life I've given you, you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me."Dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love, I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me, and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection, and love that I offer you with myself. "Know that I love you utterly. Be satisfied in Me."-

Your Dad, GOD